Some News about the November 2013 upcoming event

Hi people

We’ve been  very busy these past months with new music challenges. Doing some serious music arranging including  adaptations and even some archeological research  leading to a studio recording . This was  during the first semester of 2013. The music  style is completely different of what you, Jazz folks, who have been following us for a while,  know about us and our music.

In this new project,  We are proposing  something different around the Mauritian  Sega.  If you are a Jazz  puritan or rigorist heretic about Jazz, this  album is not for you but if you are  open minded – I know you are  : )  and you like  everything from  Jazz  to classical and world- folklore, this album is for you.

The album  should be available in October 2013 featuring  some new  and young voices of the mauritian scene that need to be known.  We are completely involved   with the rehearsals for the november musi-drama in Mauritian Creole. The album being a teaser for the “Spektak”.


More details coming soon.

Stay tuned.